The KAEFER Found­a­tion gGmbH is a non-profit or­gan­isa­tion that is fun­ded solely through dona­tions. If you would like to sup­port us, dona­tions are highly ap­pre­ci­ated:

KAEFER Foundation gGmbH
Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN DE62 2907 0050 0169 0049 00

Donate via Paypal:

Dona­tion tax re­ceipts for private per­sons in Ger­many as well as or­gan­isa­tions are auto­mat­ic­ally provided for all dona­tions above €300. Should a cer­ti­fic­ate to verify a dona­tion also be re­quired for a smal­ler amount, please send a mes­sage to Found­a­ Thank you.

The KAEFER FOUND­A­TION of­fers sup­port amongst oth­ers in the fol­low­ing cases:

  • Prevention of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and support for victims of these illnesses
  • Education, apprenticeships and trainings
  • Science and research
  • Protection of the environment and ecosystem; especially climate protection and energy efficiency
  • Development projects for younger generations
  • Natural disasters and catastrophes

To con­tact the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION please use Found­a­