Nowadays we go bey­ond provid­ing re­lief to our staff dur­ing nat­ural dis­as­ters, or fight­ing the stigma sur­round­ing AIDS, for ex­ample. As part of our com­mit­ment to so­cial, cul­tural, eco­nomic and en­vir­on­men­tal sus­tain­ab­il­ity, the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION also pro­motes aca­de­mic re­search, youth de­vel­op­ment and eco­lo­gical ini­ti­at­ives.

We see the many faces of need around the world and aim to make a genu­ine dif­fer­ence in the lives of our em­ploy­ees and other people in need.

For ex­ample, with the sup­port after the earth­quake in Nepal in 2015, of which 184 of our em­ploy­ees have been af­fec­ted dir­ec­tly, the pro­mo­tion of a sci­entific pro­ject at the Uni­versity of Bre­men or the co­oper­a­tion with dif­fer­ent or­gan­isa­tions which help people in need.

There is al­ways some help re­quired some­where in the world. There­fore, the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION will con­tin­ue its ef­fort to help people in need and sup­port char­it­able pro­jects.

In case you would like to sup­port us, every little dona­tion is highly ap­pre­ci­ated and of big help.

To con­tact the KAEFER FOUND­A­TION please use Found­a­tion@kaefer.com